RALEIGH, N.C. – July 19th , 2016 – Dark Unicorn Games is proud to put out this obligatory generic press release announcing a Kickstarter fund for their latest game:

Super Powered Smash Masters™!

Super Powered Smash Masters™ is the tongue-in-cheek superhero-themed collectible card game you’ve always wanted, but were afraid to ask for.

A primer for deck-building games, Super Powered Smash Masters™ is easy to learn, challenging to smash master. Great for kids and adults alike, and also kids playing against adults. And also families, including uncles, aunts, sisters, brothers, other brothers, moms and dads. Ooh, and cousins! Cousins loooove Super Powered Smash Masters™!

“I get to recruit a team of heroes to battle other heroes for no reason – just like in the comics!” is probably what a fan of our Kickstarter will say about the game. “I’m super excited to give them all of my money! If this game isn’t funded, life will have no meaning!”

Super Powered Smash Masters™ is (arguably) full of humor, with amazing heroes, bizarro story twists, and terrible, well-nigh lethal puns. It’s a love letter to the game company’s lifelong passion for comic book culture, but expressed in game form rather than love letter form, because Dark Unicorn Games didn’t think they could run a business selling love letters to people.

The Kickstarter funds will go toward finalizing production and recruiting a collection of insanely-talented professional, card-carrying comic artists. As a special thank you for believing in the Dark Unicorn Games team and the vision behind SPSM, early Kickstarter backers will be rewarded with some squeee-worthy (and exclusive) cards to kick-off their decks, along with (arguably) towering piles of heroic swag.

“I really wish I had funded this game. It’s a huge success,” a procrastinating backer will probably lament after Dark Unicorn Games finishes a potentially record-breaking campaign. “My whole family would have loved to play it, and I missed my chance, and now they’re furious with me.”

You can visit the Kickstarter page at: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1078033723/su…

Dark Unicorn Games has pledged to release more press releases if their demands are met. To check out our Kickstarter, visit our website at www.darkunicorngames.com.


About Dark Unicorn Games

Dark Unicorn Games is a card and board and video game company based in Raleigh, NC. Founded in 2016 by grizzled veterans of the game and comic book industries, the team specializes in producing games that are family-friendly and actually fun. For more information, please visit www.darkunicorngames.com.

Media Contact who will respond to you if you send her a cat gif:

Megan Carriker


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Dark Unicorn Games